Bartosz Brenes – A Professional Scam Artist

DJ, Producer, Label Manager (17:44) is known to be a “a scumbag, but also because he doesn’t produce himself.” A strong quote from an anonymous industry leader. Although he has already had a bad reputation for screwing over his ex-business label partners.

In October I went to Bartosz for some production help. I had an idea to remix Bob Sinclair’s Love Generation and contacted him for help. He said he would re-record the guitar strings to start the process. But before anything, he needed a 50% deposit which was $300.00 U.S.  He was going to start by re-recording the guitar strings but he told me they don’t sound close to the original so it wouldn’t work.  He suggested we could take my $300.00 and work on something new! So I gave him parts to my new track to help me complete it.

October 11th – sent me an amature sample which I did not like. He said he will work on it but I never got anything.

I waited 9 days until I sent another message asking how the progress was. He finally messaged me back saying he will send something that night (Oct 20). I waited six days and sent another message but no reply. I sent an e-mail asking for good communication and got no reply.

November 3rd – 3 weeks later he finally sent me this message. (Only after I made a PayPal claim)

“Hey man, Sorry for the late reply. I was out of town for some gigs. I am available to finish your track this week, if you’re still interested. If so, please send over the new examples again so I can get started on a new breakdown.”

November 10th – One week later, he tells me he is finally going to have something for me that night.

“Working on it today so it should be done by tonight, I’ll keep you posted”

That night never came. I followed up six days later, and then 5 days after. It is now December 9th and it is official that I will never see my money again.  I don’t even want all of it back. He did some work, but not $300 U.S worth.  He left me stranded and left me with no where to go and I feel scammed.  I am just writing this article so it does not happen to anyone else.