NRG | Why They EARNED The Award for “Promotor of the Year”.

This is a follow up article to our <a title=”Toronto Night Club Awards, Rigged or Real?” href=”
2015/01/03/toronto-night-club-awards-riggediSoon coming to Toronto, Festival of Colors! -or-real/” target=”_blank”>Toronto Night Club Awards, Rigged or Real? 
article. We feel some readers might have taken offence to what we wrote but we will clear the online airwaves right now.

Awards should be given to people who are hard working, passionate and humble.  Awards should not be given based on your popularity, how many Facebook friends you have or how many family and friends you have asked to vote.  It just doesn’t give the  viewer a true vision of who the best in the industry are.  In this article I will tell you who NRG is and why they won “Promotor of the Year Award”.

I met Nick Regina through our mutual friend Santino back in 2011 at Callisto, a College Street restaurant in the heart of Little Italy. I remember being in the dark basement with Nick and we were talking about who we were and what we wanted to accomplish.  A few months later Nick invited me to DJ a party for them and slowly I was introduced to the NRG team. It started off with Nick’s brother Mike, a down to earth class act guy. At the time he was the official DJ for NRG and I had the pleasure to work with him on several occasions.  Consider him the original member and the one who helped pave the way for future NRG DJs.

I slowly got to see what Nick was doing. He wasn’t building a company but he was building a family. Nick involved his brother Mike, his best friend and partner Dominic Malfara, and his sister and girlfriend Jade and Sophie who branched out to start another division of NRG called, “NRG Ladies”. These weren’t girls that were hired and hand picked from agencies, they were all close friends who had a chance to have a good time together. As you can see, NRG stands for Family. When you love what you do, and work with people you love you have a 100% chance of succeeding. As I was hired for more and more gigs I knew they had something special.  The way they partied was like no other. They had enough energy to run the whole city of Toronto for years. Trust me, I have high standards and don’t get impressed easily but I knew NRG was raw and real.  They appreciated the music, they appreciated the DJ and most importantly they appreciated each other.  I saw these guys start from throwing independent parties in restaurants to becoming night club leaders overnight. I was such a fan myself I asked if I could produce them an NRG Anthem and they agreed. Check it out below.

Not everyone got to see their struggle and their road to success but I can easily say I had a chance to see the majority of it. NRG did not deserve to win the title of “Promotor of the Year” because of an award show, they deserve the title because they earned it.

Written by: Zyad Suleiman

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